LBMC, one of the Southeast’s largest accounting and business consulting firms and a top 50 firm in the nation, offers expertise to hospital leaders as they continue to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic. As hospital systems evaluate, develop and initiate plans for long-term sustainability, LBMC医疗保健咨询 highlights five key actions leaders can take to strengthen their facility to be better prepared for the future.

农村医院的关闭率正在上升. 原因包括支付改革, 日益激烈的竞争, 萧条的经济, 以及获得资本的途径. LBMC’s healthcare consultants share impactful tactics you can implement to preserve the role and relevance of your providers.

稳定现金状况. 政府al programs created a softer landing for many organizations throughout the COVID pandemic, 但最近的政策表明, 依靠他们不是医院的策略. 医院应该评估他们目前的状况, understand the actions that caused them to get here and make the necessary changes to stabilize their organization’s finances.

消除工艺差距. The pandemic exposed weaknesses for many organizations and now that the storm has passed, it is time to focus efforts on enhancing and improving processes. 当前需要考虑的主要领域:

  • 收入循环: A high functioning system can mask issues in the revenue cycle, but many organizations felt the effects of inefficient revenue cycle processes during COVID. Hospitals should engage in process improvement initiatives that maintain streamlined cash flow, 并围绕授权巩固流程, 电荷捕获, 应收账款管理, 编码, 文件和其他关键的收入周期流程.
  • 患者参与策略: 随着远程医疗服务利用率的提高, competition for each patient is driving many organizations to consider how they are staying engaged with their service population. COVID either created or exposed gaps in service territories, and now hospitals should reassure patients they are available to serve them, 同时保持安全.

巩固市场地位. 是否与市场地位有关, 偿债能力或适当控制成本, it is imperative for hospitals to strengthen their position to achieve long-term success. This goal may be achieved by taking unique approaches in the market or making difficult decisions related to struggling service lines that continue to require significant subsidy, but the healthcare landscape we all knew just six months ago is most likely forever changed.

评估资源利用. Sustainable organizations employ consistent methods to monitor utilization and identify areas of variation. 在供应品的利用上,变化可能是很明显的, 护理路径, 结果或人员配置, 但在这个领域取得成功需要勤奋和承诺, 所以医院现在就该开始了.

重新审视和更新战略计划. COVID caused many organizations to quickly adapt their strategies to maintain relevance. The ability to quickly shift directions is one sign of a resilient organization, and it’s now a requirement of many organizations to ensure their course is reset for the future. Even if a hospital’s strategic plan doesn’t need to be redone, it should be revisited to ensure it is supporting the potential changes experienced in the last few months.

Hospital systems are undeniably feeling the full effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. 危机爆发近5个月, many hospitals are struggling at a time when patients need them most. Leaders should take time now to evaluate their facility’s long-term outlook and consult an expert to ensure they are prepared for future events. 欲了解更多信息,请联系 迈克尔Corbett at LBMC的医疗实践 了解更多.


在这些不确定的时期, you may be wondering what makes certain organizations successful when others have failed? This webinar will focus on common characteristics of rural hospitals that have avoided closure or made it through adverse events by focusing on strategic and mission-oriented approaches.



  • To understand common characteristics generally shared among facilities in decline or distress and the issues that most often led them to that level of performance
  • To understand common characteristics generally shared among facilities who effectively avoided distress despite material adversity and impactful tactics they deployed to do so
  • To discuss the novel approach is to assure the long-term role and relevance within the communities served
  • To gain an understanding of methodologies to identify variations in care delivery and tactics to solidify performance moving forward